If you want a stylish digital camera then Casio EX-S12 will be the best camera for you. This stylish digital camera consist of .6 inch body thin (.5 inch on the thinnest part), 12.1 megapixel resolution with up to 3x Optical zoom and 4x digital zoom, and 2.7" LCD Monitor.
The high speed exilim series also has 27 Best Shot Modes including 2 unique modes that activate the shutter when the subject enter or leaves the frame. If you want to capture an image of a bird then just focus on a flower or a certain tree then, when a bird enters the frame then Casio EX-S12 will automatically activate its shutter to capture the image of a bird. Already amazed? It is just one of the special features of EX-S12 and there is more!!
- 12.1 megapixels
- 3x optical zoom
- 2.7" super clear LCD
- Dynamic Photo
- Best Shot Mode
- 1 Button Video
- Make up Mode
- HD Movie
applicable to any windows OS
For Macintosh users
Product manual
Read me before installing software
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